CPN-Africa: Contact point network to attract young African scientists to participate in EU-funded research programmes on PRD


The objective of the project is the implementation of a network of Regional and Local Contact Points (RCPs and LCPs) in sub-Saharan Africa which will provide information about funding opportunities of the FP7, raise awareness for the programme, provide training for scientists interested to apply and assist them in proposal writing and during the project execution. The establishing of the Contact Points will ensure that young African scientists (YAS) are provided with the necessary information and are encouraged to participate in EU-funded research programmes on Poverty Related Diseases (PRD).

Originador(es): The EU Contact Point Network for Young African Scientists
Recurso adicionado em: 20/05/2009
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Doenças Transmissíveis, Saúde Pública, Sistemas de Financiamento da Pesquisa
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