TALA Research Group


Website of the TALA Research Group. present links for Global studies and Regional studies, about diseases transmission by intermediate hosts or vectors.

Originador(es): University of Oxford, Department of Zoology
Recurso adicionado em: 19/02/2008
Objetivo: The TALA Research Group is based in the Department of Zoology of the University of Oxford UK. We work on the application of remotely sensed data to describing the distribution and intensity of diseases transmitted by intermediate hosts or vectors, and the distribution of individual species and areas of biodiversity in tropical regions.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Controle de Vetores de Doenças, Vetores de Doenças, Insetos Vetores, Doenças Transmissíveis/epidemiologia, Doença de Chagas, Dengue, Hanseníase, Filariose Linfática, Malária, Oncocercose, Esquistossomose, Tuberculose, African trypanosomiasis, sniasisniasis, Zoonose
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