Kids Health Galaxy

It's an interactive website where children can get information about hospitals divided into three main topics. First one is the hospital where there’s information about the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, what children can take to the hospital while they stay overnight and workers a hospital usually have). Then there's the medical library with animated stories from an operation and other procedures (intravenous therapy, x-ray and blood draw) and medical equipments' definition. At the last part there are games for children. All texts are read. Document in flash format; Flash Player needed.

Originador(es): Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Recurso adicionado em: 13/02/2008
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Serviços de Saúde da Criança, Criança Hospitalizada/educação, Cirurgia Geral/métodos, Radiografia/métodos, Infusões Intravenosas/métodos, Equipamentos e Provisões Hospitalares, Patient Education
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