Venomous creatures.

This page lists venemous critters of two kinds: arthropods (bees, spiders, centipedes, bugs, scorpions, and ants) and reptiles (gila monster and snakes), and shows a brief description, signs and symptoms of envenomation, first aid and references.

Originador(es): University of Arizona Health Sciences Center. College of Pharmacy. Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center
Recurso adicionado em: 08/07/1999
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Toxicologia, Animais Venenosos, Intoxicação/diagnóstico, Abelhas, Escorpiões, Aranhas, Mordeduras e Picadas de Insetos/terapia, Picaduras de Aranhas, Formigas, Cobras
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