

It has information about diabetes, content especific for parents, kids and adults, events, mailing lists, polls, art and poetry space, humor, recipes, products (medical, non-medical, food and diet), diabetes dictionary, news, research, daily care.

Originador(es): Diabetes123.com
Recurso adicionado em: 06/11/2007
Objetivo: To be the world leader in online diabetes care, improving the quality and reducing the cost of care by increasing the understanding of, and providing traditional and innovative products and services for, the treatment of all types of diabetes.
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Diabetes Mellitus, Complicações do Diabetes, Diabetes Mellitus/prevenção & controle, Diabetes Mellitus/classificação, Diabetes Mellitus/terapia, Saúde da Família, Terapia Ocupacional, Alimentos Formulados, Patient Education
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