
It's a image and video database that licenses these media in a price that accords with the type of use, like personal, academic, editorial, websites and others. Images are watermarked, videos can't be fully viewed, both are described and have related topics. In order to not offend users images are divided into three access levels; default level is the least offensive but when registering user's access level can be set. Anyway, Mediscan warns that because of its medical nature people under eighteen years old and other people who can be offended by their material should not enter the site. Registration is needed.

Originador(es): Medical-On-Line
Recurso adicionado em: 01/11/2007
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Diagnóstico por Imagem, Ilustração Médica, Disciplinas das Ciências Biológicas, Anatomia, Animais, Bactérias, Vírus, Fungos, Plantas, Procedimentos Cirúrgicos Operatórios, Exames Médicos, Pacientes, Microscopia, Enfermeiras e Enfermeiros, Insuficiência Renal, Cardiopatias, Fraturas Ósseas, Neoplasias, Infecções Sexualmente Transmissíveis, Obesidade, Gastroenteropatias, Ferimentos e Lesões, Algae
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