World Psychiatric Association - WPA

The purposes of the WPA are to increase knowledge and skills necessary for work in the field of mental health and in the care for the mentally ill; improve the care for the mentally ill; prevent mental disorders; promote mental health; preserve the rights of the mentally ill; promote the development and observance of the highest ethical standards in psychiatric care, teaching and research;promote the development of the highest quality standards in psychiatric care, teaching and research, as well as the observance of such standards; promote non-discrimination (parity) in the provision of care of the mentally ill; and protect the rights of psychiatrists.

Originador(es): World Psychiatric Association
Recurso adicionado em: 02/04/2007
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Psiquiatria, Saúde Mental, Associa��es e sociedades internacionais, PSIQUIATRIA, SA�DE MENTAL
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