Preventing Silicosis Dealth in Construction Workers

This document provides background information on crystalline silica and the health effects of exposure. It describes six case reports of construction workers who have died or are suffering from silicosis. In addition, the document presents examples of five construction operations that used poor dust controls and two operations that used good dust controls.

Creador(es): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)
Recursos añadido en: 07/02/2002
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Silicosis, Exposición por Inhalación, 32400, Neumoconiosis, Minería, Salud Laboral, Lugar de Trabajo, 16359, 16360, Industria Química, Exposición a Compuestos Químicos, Enfermedades Pulmonares Obstructivas, Enfermedades Respiratorias, Enfermedades Profesionales, Toxicología, ureposureposureposure, Occupational Disease, Occupational risk, Occupational toxicology
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