American Pain Society (APS)

It's a multidisciplinary organization of basic and clinical scientists, practicing clinicians, policy analysts, and others. The mission of the American Pain Society is to advance pain-related research, education, treatment and professional practice.

Creador(es): APS
Recursos añadido en: 22/11/2002
Objetivo: the goal: assisting APS members to practice more effectively in managed care environments and to influence managed care organizations (MCOs) to recognize the health and economic benefits of quality pain management for their members.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Instituciones Oncológicas, Quimioterapia, Radioterapia, Neoplasias, Dolor, Dolor Intratable, Narcóticos, Analgésicos Opioides, Distinciones y Premios, Cuidado Terminal, Cuidados Paliativos, Sociedades Médicas
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