European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO)

ESMO has been established in Europe with the purposes of advancing the art, science and practice of medical oncology and disseminating knowledge in order to maintain a high common standard in medical practice for cancer. The Executive Committee is in charge of facilitating the work of the Society, and three permanent Committees which are: the National Representatives Committee acts as intermediary between members and applicants of each country and the Society; the Educational Committee oversees the educational activities of the Society such as Continuous Medical Education, ESMO Examination, ESMO Courses; the Fellowship and Award Committee administers the ESMO.

Creador(es): ESMO
Recursos añadido en: 10/10/2002
Objetivo: Purposes of advancing the art, science and practice of medical oncology patients.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Ependimoma, Quimioterapia, Radioterapia, Cirugía General, Recurrencia, Clasificación, Niño, Adolescente, Sociedades Médicas, Educación Continua, Distinciones y Premios, Linfoma, Melanoma, Sarcoma, Cuidados Paliativos, Leucemia, Oncología Médica, Oncología por Radiación, Hematología, Becas, Adulto, Anciano, Facultades de Medicina, Investigación, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, padiatría, Educación del paciente, Factor de angiogénesis, Carcinoma del pulmón de célula no pequeña, Carcinoma de célula pequeña, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Neoplasmas colorrectales, Neoplasmas gastrointestinales, Neoplasmas urogenitales, Genética bioquímica, Neoplasmas de cabeza y cuello, Neoplasmas de los genitales femeninos, Mieloma
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