Cancer Research Institute

To carry out the mission, the Institute has articulated a clear set of operating purposes: To fund basic research that will yield breakthrough findings in cancer immunology. To fund clinical studies that will transform such findings into safe and effective immunotherapies for cancer. To function as a source of public information on cancer immunology and cancer treatment.

Creador(es): Cancer Research Institute
Recursos añadido en: 02/10/2002
Objetivo: The Cancer Research Institute was founded to improve scientific exploration on the field of cancer immunotherapy which is based on the premise that the body's immune system can be mobilized against cancer.
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Quimioterapia, Radioterapia, Cirugía General, Recurrencia, Clasificación, Investigación, Academias e Institutos, Academias e Institutos, Enfermedades del Sistema Inmune, Neoplasias, Alergia e Inmunología, Inmunoterapia, Proyectos de Investigación, Neoplasmas de la Tiroides, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Educación del paciente, Premios y distinciones
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