Nutritional Research Series: Advancing the Role of Evidence-based Reviews in Nutrition Research and Applications - Volume 2: Issues and Challenges in Conducting Systematic Reviews to Support Development of Nutrient Reference Values: Workshop Summary (March 2009)

The workgroup concluded that the systematic review approach could be productively used to inform the development of reference values. Challenges identified in this exercise include prioritizing and defining research questions when the volume of literature is large, relying on intermediate (surrogate) outcomes when few or no studies directly linked nutrient intake with clinical outcomes are available, and determining reliable nutrient biomarkers. Ultimately, an objective, unbiased systematic review of a defined question could be useful; not only in helping to set nutrient reference values, but also for increasing the transparency of the decision making process.

Creador(es): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality - AHRQ
Recursos añadido en: 10/06/2009
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Dieta, Vigilancia Alimentaria y Nutricional, 52503, RS_metodologia
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