NIHSeniorHealth: health information for older adults

It has health issues related to older people's health, ordered by subject. It also bring stories about people who exercises, information about drug description, resources to help people find health information online and information about NIHSeniorHealth. In order to improve accessibility, text size and contrast can be changed and a speech tool can be turned on to read the texts (depending on the browser, instalations may be needed; see the site's about).

Creador(es): National Institutes of Health. National Institute on Aging, National Institutes of Health. National Library of Medicine
Recursos añadido en: 10/01/2008
Idiomas disponibles: Inglés
Enfermedad de Alzheimer, Artritis, Laberintitis, Neoplasias de la Mama, Catarata, Neoplasias Colorrectales, Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica, Diabetes Mellitus, Retinopatía Diabética, Xerostomía, Ejercicio Físico, Accidentes por Caídas, Glaucoma, Pérdida Auditiva, Paro Cardíaco, Cardiopatías, Hipertensión, Baja Visión, Neoplasias Pulmonares, Degeneración Macular, Osteoporosis, Osteítis Deformante, Trastornos del Olfato, Trastornos del Gusto, Neoplasias de la Próstata, Herpes Zóster, Neoplasias Cutáneas, Trastornos del Sueño-Vigilia, Accidente Cerebrovascular, Quimioterapia, Preparaciones Farmacéuticas/efectos adversos, Relaciones Médico-Paciente, sionession, Clinical Trials
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