Swiss Centre for Technology Assessment - TA-SWISS

TA-SWISS Centre supports the political decision-making process, firstly by carrying out expert analyses, and secondly by canvassing the opinions of the citizens themselves. Its objective is to identify controversial developments in a forward-looking way. TA-SWISS carries out projects on selected issues. In doing so, it can make both politicians and the public aware early on of technical potentialities and the opportunities and risks they involve.

Creador(es): Switzerland. State Secretariat for Education and Research. Science and Technology Council
Recursos añadido en: 15/03/2007
Idiomas disponibles: Alemán, Inglés, Francés, Italiano
Evaluación de la Tecnología Biomédica, Atención a la Salud, Recursos Materiales en Salud, Medicina Basada en la Evidencia, Investigación Biomédica
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