Musculoskeletal radiology of fractures

It presents radiologic images of fractures of the skull, chest, spine, shoulder, humerus, elbow, radius and ulna, hand and wrist, hip and pelvis, femur, knee, tibia and fibula, and foot and ankle, fracture eponyms, and fractures by profession.

Author(s): Sorenson, S.M., Hill, J.A., Fu, K., Chu, E., Masih, S., Gentili, A. Originator(s): Amilcare Gentili (UCLA School of Medicine)
Resource added in: 05/07/2001
Available languages: English
Skull/injuries, Thoracic Injuries, Spinal Injuries, Shoulder Fractures, Humeral Fractures, Elbow/injuries, Radius Fractures, Ulna Fractures, Hand Injuries, Wrist Injuries, Hip Fractures, Femoral Fractures, Knee Injuries, Tibial Fractures, Fibula/injuries, Foot Injuries, Ankle Injuries, Radiology, Medicine, Reference Books, Traumatology, Fraturas/radiografia, Atlas [tipo de publicação]
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