OHSU Cancer Institute


The center seeks to develop innovative, less toxic and more effective strategies of cancer prevention, treatment, diagnosis and control by applying new discoveries in cancer cell biology in molecular genetics. Programs in cancer prevention and control, hormonal and reproductive malignancies, hematologic malignancies, experimental therapeutics, cancer biology, and complementary medicine function to foster interdisciplinary interactions between basic and clinical researchers.

Originator(s): OCI
Resource added in: 19/11/2002
Objective: The main objective is the development of promising, specific and non-toxic new strategies for prevention, treatment, diagnosis and control of cancer.
Available languages: English
Palliative Care, Societies, Scientific, Health Services, Volunteers, Neoplasms, Sarcoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Melanoma, Therapeutics, Diagnosis, Educación del paciente, Protocolos de investigación, Neoplasmas óseos, Neoplasmas cerebrales, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas de cabeza y cuello, Neoplasmas renales, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Mieloma, Neoplasmas ováricos, Neoplasmas de la próstata, Neoplasmas cutáneos, Neoplasmas de la tiroides, Neoplasmas de las glándulas endócrinas, Neoplasmas del sistema digestivo, Neoplasmas urológicos, Neoplasmas testiculares, Neoplasmas uterinos, Neoplasmas de cuello uterino
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