Society of Surgical Oncology (SSO)

The mission of the SSO includes a firm commitment to the following strategies: Quality of Care: promote and support outstanding clinical and laboratory research of interest to surgeons and surgical oncologists. Education: promote and support comprehensive programs of education and training in surgical oncology for students, residents, fellows, practicing surgeons and the lay public. Research: develop and promulgate optimal standards for the multimodal care of surgical patients with cancer.

Originator(s): SSO
Resource added in: 01/11/2002
Objective: The mission of the Society of surgical oncology is to ensure that all cancer patients receive the highest quality, comprehensive, multimodal cancer care.
Available languages: English
Neoplasms, Pediatrics, Clinical Protocols, Research Groups, Melanoma, Mastectomy, Societies, Medical, General Surgery, Education, Medical, Graduate, Ensayos Clínicos, Educación del Paciente, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Neoplasmas de la próstata, Neoplasmas colorrectales, Neoplasmas gástricos, Neoplasmas del esófago, Neoplasmas pancreáticos, Neoplasmas laríngeos, Neoplasmas orofaríngeos, Neoplasmas de la parótida, Neoplasmas de la tiroides, Neoplasmas gastrointestinales
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