National Children's Leukemia Foundation

The main activities of the NCLF are the followings: Stem Cell Banking; Collection and freezing of blood from babies' umbilical cords. Bone Marrrow Search; Volunteer Program; Sipport Network; Referral Service; Patient Advocacy; Make a Donation; Tax Benefits; Bequest.

Originator(s): NCLF
Resource added in: 30/10/2002
Objective: NCLF main objective is to provide the cure for children and adults, and to ease the family's burden during their hospital stay
Available languages: English
Smoking, Tobacco, Legislation, Nicotine, Tobacco Use Disorder, Tobacco Smoke Pollution, Tobacco Use Cessation, Social Support, Fetal Blood, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Volunteers, Leukemia, Transplante de médula ósea, Registro
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