Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation (CCCF)

The CCCF is a national non-profit membership organization and whose web site gives mainly information about childern's cancer. The service contains comprehensive trial listings in both standard and medical format, and includes eligibility criteria, investigative site locations and contact information. Includes information about different kinds of treatment and support for the families and friends.

Originator(s): Candlelighters Childhood Cancer Foundation
Resource added in: 03/10/2002
Objective: The mission is to educate, support, serve, and advocate for families of children with cancer, survivors of childhood cancer, and the professionals who care for them.
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Recurrence, Classification, Neutropenia, Umbilical Cord, Transplantation, Fetal Blood, Child, Adolescent, Foundations, Neoplasmas Uretrales, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Recuento de célula sanguíneas, Transplante de médula ósea
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