Gynecologic Oncology Group (GOG)

It's a national organization dedicated to clinical research in the field of gynecologic cancer. GOG receives support from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) of the National Institutes for Health (NIH) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). GOG consists of gynecologic oncologists, medical oncologists, radiation oncologists, immunologists, and pathologists specialists. Today, GOG consists of over 60 nationally known \"parent\" institutions, medical schools, colleges and universities and more that 125 affiliated hospitals. Approximately 45 individual clinical trials are active at any one time within GOG for patients with a variety of gynecologic malignancies, including cancers that arise from the ovaries, uterus, cervix, vagina, and vulva.

Originator(s): National Cancer Institute, National Institutes for Health (NIH), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
Resource added in: 25/09/2002
Objective: The purpose of the GOG is to improve the treatment of gynecologic cancer. These goals are addressed through research encompassing surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, pathology, immunology and/or gynecologic nursing.
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Classification, Neoplasms, Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Combined Modality Therapy, Clinical Protocols, Research Design, Clinical Trials Data Monitoring Committees, Research Groups, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Carcinoma del Pulmón de Célula no Pequeña, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Neoplasmas de los Genitales Femeninos, Neoplasmas Ováricos, Neoplasmas Uterinos, Neoplasmas Vaginales, Neoplasmas de la Vulva, Neoplasmas del Cuello Uterino, Ensayos Clínicos, Estudios Multicéntricos
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