Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG)


It's one of the first cooperative groups launched to perform multi-center cancer clinical trials. Funded primarily by the National Cancer Institute (NCI), ECOG has evolved from a five member consortium of institutions on the East Coast to one of the largest clinical cancer research organizations in the U.S. with almost 6000 physicians, nurses, pharmacists, statisticians, and clinical research associates (CRAs) from the U.S., Canada, and South Africa. Institutional members include universities, medical centers, Community Clinical Oncology Programs (CCOPs), and Cooperative Group Outreach Programs (CGOPs). Annual accrual is 6,000 patients, with more than 20,000 patients in follow-up.

Originator(s): National Cancer Institute
Resource added in: 23/09/2002
Objective: These institutions work toward the common goal of controlling, effectively treating, and ultimately curing cancer.
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Classification, Neoplasms, Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Combined Modality Therapy, Clinical Protocols, Research Groups, Tamoxifen, Research Design, Epidemiology, Clinical Trials Data Monitoring Committees, Neoplasmas Cutáneos, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Estudios Multicéntricos, Ensayos Clínicos
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