Head and Neck Cancer Community


The AHNS is the largest organization in North America for the advancement of research and education in head and neck oncology. Facilitate and advance knowledge relevant to surgical treatment of diseases of the head and neck, including reconstruction and rehabilitation; promote advancement of the highest professional and ethical standards. Patient Education section will provide public information of interest to patients who have tumors of the mouth, throat, and neck.

Originator(s): American Head and Neck Cancer Society (AHNS)
Resource added in: 19/09/2002
Objective: The purpose of the American Head and Neck Society is: To promote advanced research of diseases of the head and neck, and to promote and advance the highest professional and ethical standards .
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Recurrence, Classification, Melanoma, Sarcoma, Tracheotomy, Societies, Medical, Carcinoma de Células de los Islotes, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Neoplasmas de cabeza y cuello, Neoplasmas de la base del cráneo, Neoplasmas orofaríngeos, Neoplasmas de la tiroides, Neoplasmas del sistema digestivo, Neoplasmas de las glándulas salivales, Educación del paciente
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