Zika virus and complications


Public health emergency : WHO declared the cluster of microcephaly cases and other neurological disease. Situation report : Since 2015, 70 countries and territories reported evidence of Global response: vector-borne Zika virus transmission. More than 60 global and local partners are participating in the Zika virus response.

Author(s): World Health Organization Originator(s): World Health Organization
Resource added in: 09/09/2016
Objective: Centralize information on the Zika virus and its complications. Assist in decision making of health professionals and institutions concerned.
Available languages: English
Zika Virus, Microcephaly/virology, Guillain-Barre Syndrome/virology, Declaration of Emergency, Health Profile, Global Health, Zika Virus Infection/epidemiology, Health Policy, Aedes/virology, Brasil/epidemiologia, Controle de Vetores, Relatórios de situação
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