Impact of climate change and bioenergy on nutrition

A paper on the current state of global food insecurity and malnutrition, including trends and future projections. The causes, consequences and costs of food insecurity and malnutrition are explored. Malnutrition is clearly a severe impediment to sustainable development and human security as it slows down economic growth and the achievement of equity. The paper briefly lays out a number of factors besides climate change, bioenergy and rising prices that will likely contribute to malnutrition in the future.

Author(s): Cohen, Marc J., Tirado, Cristina, Aberman, Noora-Lisa, Thompson, Brian Originator(s): Food and Agriculture Organization - FAO
Resource added in: 21/10/2010
Available languages: English
Public Health, 50328, Climate Change, 32465, Environmental Imbalance, blicaúblicaúblicaúblicaública
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