Managing WHO humanitarian response in the field: draft

Guidance for WHO representative, country office staff and consultants which focuses on management, defining the role and responsibilities of a WR and country office and provides the overall planning and management framework within which decisions have to be taken in case of humanitarian crises. It's composed by three parts: part one (chapters 1 and 2: outlines the framework for WHO emergency response), part two (chapters 3 to 11: guidance on planning and managing the WHO response) and annexes. Publication available both in a single pdf file or by topics in html; 138 pages; issued on October, 2008.

Originator(s): World Health Organization - WHO. Health Action in Crises - HAC
Resource added in: 26/01/2010
Available languages: English
World Health Organization, International Assistance in Disaster, Disaster Planning, esenciesenciesencies
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