Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. The University of British Columbia. CHSPR/UBC


The Centre promotes an interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to research, recognizing that problems in applied health services and population health increasingly transcend traditional academic boundaries. CHSPR is home to faculty members with expertise in health economics, health services research, and health policy analysis. CHSPR is also home to the BC Linked Health Database, a world-class, population-based data resource for applied health services and population health research. Over the past 20 years, CHSPR has built unique core competencies in linking, extracting and securing data in the BCLHD, and makes BCLHD data available for research in the public interest.

Originator(s): Centre for Health Services and Policy Research. The University of British Columbia. CHSPR/UBC.
Resource added in: 16/03/2007
Available languages: English
Technology Assessment, Biomedical, Resources for Research, Health Policy, Health Care Costs, Health Resources, Research Support
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