Women, war and peace: the independent expert's assessment on the impact of armed conflict on women and women's role in peace-building


It presents examples of women in embattled regions who have been able to overcome the odds and contribute to the safety and well-being of their communities and situation of women in war, almost as silent as the women who remain on the sidelines during war or who are excluded from peace negotiations. In addition, it shows the impact of war in women's health. To view the document, the programme Acrobat Reader is required.

Author(s): Rehn, Elisabeth, Sirleaf, Ellen Johnson Originator(s): United Nations Development Fund for Women - UNIFEM
Resource added in: 31/01/2007
Available languages: English
Warfare, Women, Women's Health, Violence Against Women, Domestic Violence, 50245, Mental Health, Communicable Diseases, Malnutrition, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
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