Bionline International

Bioline International is a not-for-profit electronic publishing service committed to providing open access to quality research journals published in developing countries. The web site contains eletronic published and reports about health (tropical medicine, infectious disease, epidemiology, emerging new diseases), biodiversity, the environment, conservation and international development. Bioline International is managed by scientists and librarians. PDF versions of articles are now being made available for new issues in addition to HTML format. In some cases, where HTML format cannot be created, PDF documents may be available to improve accessibility to that journal.

Originator(s): Bionline International
Resource added in: 05/06/2006
Objective: Promote the global exchange of scientific knowledge by providing reliable and timely access to high-quality, peer-reviewed journals published in developing countries. Reduce technological and financial barriers to knowledge acquisition by providing bioscience journal material on an open-access, easily accessible basis, regardless of geographic, technological or financial boundaries. Improve the visibility of developing world publications, allowing them to enter into mainstream research and knowledge activities and thereby raising their impact factors and credibility. Provide sustainable access to our library of participating journals through various archival standards and projects.
Available languages: English
Biology, Biodiversity, Communicable Diseases, Epidemiology, Environment, Tropical Medicine, Portal
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