Resources found: 277

Apoio Psicossocial para mulheres grávidas e famílias com microcefalia e outras complicações neurológicas no contexto do Zika vírus: guia preliminar para provedores de cuidados à saúde

Este documento descreve orientações para respostas de apoio por provedores de cuidados à saúde (por exemplo médicos e enfermeiros), focando principalmente nas mulheres afetadas pela infecção po...
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Resource added in: 06/10/2016
Available languages: Portuguese
Microcephaly, Pregnancy/psychology, Zika Virus Infection, Zika Virus, Social Support

GAPC - Grupo de Apoio a Pessoas com Câncer

O GAPC - Grupo de Apoio a Pessoas com Câncer, ajuda os portadores de câncer e suas famílias fornecendo medicamentos, próteses, cestas básicas, fraldas, perucas, exames médicos, suplementos alime...
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Resource added in: 14/01/2015
Available languages: Portuguese
23932, Social Support, Neoplasms


GOAS é uma instituição filantrópica, sem fins lucrativos, que investe em programas de cunho social, preferencialmente para famílias e pessoas mais carentes, portadoras de HIV/AIDS ou dependênci...
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Resource added in: 15/04/2010
Available languages: Portuguese
Public Health, 50230, Health Promotion, Health Education, HIV, Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Drug Users, Voluntary Health Agencies, Social Support, 34786

Vivavoz - Serviço Nacional de Orientações e Informações sobre a Prevenção do Uso Indevido de Drogas,

O VIVAVOZ é um serviço telefônico (Call Center) gratuito e anônimo, produto de uma parceria entre a SENAD e a Universidade Federal de Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre (UFCSPA), SESI e SEBRAE. P...
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Resource added in: 15/04/2010
Available languages: Portuguese
Public Health, Drug Users, Hotlines, Information Services, Social Support

Management of dead bodies after disasters: a field manual for first responders

Publication from 2006, republished on 2009 about how to promote better treatment of victims and their families. It includes controle of diseases, how to deal with the bodies, about communication and s...
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Resource added in: 20/01/2010
Available languages: English
Cadaver, Communicable Disease Control, Victims Identification, Social Support, Social Communication in Emergencies, Mortuary Practice, Mass Casualty Incidents

Observatório de Saúde Mental e Direitos Humanos

A Rede Nacional Internúcleos da Luta Antimanicomial tem como empreendimento fundamental a radical transformação das relações entre loucura e sociedade, combatendo todas as figuras de aprisionamen...
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Resource added in: 11/12/2008
Available languages: Portuguese
Public Health, Mental Health, Human Rights, Mental Disorders, Mental Health Services, Hospitals, Psychiatric, Social Support, Centros de Atenção Psicossocial, Reforma Psiquiátrica, Insanidade, Sanatórios, Manicômios, Luta Antimanicomial

Kids Konnected: Cancer Support and Education

Kids Konnected was developed on the premise that when a parent gets cancer, the entire family is affected and the needs of the children must be addressed. Our programs started in California and soon s...
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Resource added in: 04/06/2008
Available languages: English
Social Support, Neoplasms, Mother-Child Relations, Father-Child Relations, Parent-Child Relations, Psychology, Child, Child Guidance, Psychology, Adolescent, Family Relations, Family Health

Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Nevada (OCAN)

The Ovarian Cancer Alliance of Nevada is a nonprofit organization committed to raising awareness regarding the symptoms, risk factors and facts about ovarian cancer in the state of Nevada.
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Resource added in: 30/05/2008
Available languages: English
Ovarian Neoplasms, Voluntary Health Agencies, Volunteers, Self-Help Groups, Social Support, Risk Factors, Cancer Symptoms

Cancer Council Victoria

Cancer Council Victoria is an independent non-profit organisation focused on cancer control. The organization conducts and supports research, as well as delivering statewide support and prevention pro...
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Resource added in: 23/04/2008
Available languages: English, Spanish
Medical Oncology, Neoplasms, Food and Nutrition Education, Radiotherapy, Drug Therapy, Complementary Therapies, Social Support, Health Research Plans and Programs, Primary Prevention, Risk Factors, Educación del Paciente

Kristen Ann Carr Fund Sarcoma Forum

The Kristen Ann Carr Fund provides grants for cancer research and seeks to improve all aspects of cancer patient life with an emphasis on adolescents and young adults.
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Resource added in: 22/04/2008
Available languages: English
Social Support, Sarcoma, Adolescent Health, Adolescent Health Services, Foundations