Resources found: 16

Ovarian Cancer National Alliance

In September 1997, leaders from seven ovarian cancer groups joined forces to form the Ovarian Cancer National Alliance. Their primary goal was to establish a coordinated national effort to place ovari...
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Resource added in: 02/12/2002
Available languages: English
Cancer Care Facilities, Radiotherapy, Drug Therapy, Brachytherapy, Hematology, General Surgery, Social Support, Self-Help Groups, Research, Neoplasmas ováricos

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC)

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, composed of Memorial Hospital for Cancer and Allied Diseases and the Sloan-Kettering Institute, is dedicated to excellence in the prevention, treatment, and cur...
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Resource added in: 19/11/2002
Available languages: English
Societies, Scientific, Neoplasms, Primary Prevention, Diagnosis, Social Support, Societies, Medical, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Myelodysplastic Syndromes, Child, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Pain, Research, Sarcoma, Protocolos de investigación, Neoplasmas óseos, Neoplasmas cerebrales, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas de la mama masculina, Neoplasmas del cuello uterino, Neoplasmas colorrectales, Neoplasmas endometriales, Neoplasmas del esófago, Neoplasmas de la vesícula biliar, Neoplasmas trofoblásticos, Neoplasmas de cabeza y cuello, Neoplasmas renales, Neoplasmas hepáticos, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Metástasis del neoplasma, Neoplasmas ováricos, Neoplasmas pancreáticos, Prevención y control, Educación del paciente, Neoplasmas de los tejidos blandos, Neoplasmas de la próstata, Neoplasmas cutáneos, Neoplasmas gástricos, Neoplasmas testiculares, Neoplasmas de la tiroides, Neoplasmas gastrointestinales, Neoplasmas uterinos

Irish Cancer Society

The main work of the Society is the delivery of nursing services to patients with cancer throughout Ireland. These services include: funding hospital based Oncology Liaison Nurses, community based Nig...
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Resource added in: 11/10/2002
Available languages: English
Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, Recurrence, Classification, Pediatrics, Child, Adolescent, Hodgkin Disease, Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Social Support, Self-Help Groups, Home Nursing, Photochemotherapy, Radiotherapy, Mammography, Colonoscopy, Drug Therapy, Research, Societies, Medical, Health Education, Oncology Nursing, transplante de médula ósea, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas de la vesícula biliar, Neoplasmas del colon, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Neoplasmas ováricos, Neoplasmas de la próstata, Neoplasmas cutáneos, Neoplasmas testiculares, Terapia por captura de neutron boron, Promoción en salud, Educación del paciente, Neoplasmas colorrectales

Let's make cancer history

The society achive the mission by: funding excellence in research for all types of cancer; advocating for healthy public policy promoting healthy lifestyles and strategies for reducing cancer risk; pr...
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Resource added in: 02/10/2002
Available languages: English, French
Thymoma, Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Recurrence, Classification, Neoplasms, Quality of Life, Societies, Medical, Research, Research Design, Social Support, Hodgkin Disease, Leukemia, Melanoma, Multiple Myeloma, Neoplasmas del Timo, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Prevención, Neoplasmas de la vesícula biliar, Neoplasmas óseos, Neoplasmas cerebrales, Neoplasmas de la mama, Neoplasmas colorrectales, Neoplasmas renales, Neoplasmas laríngeos, Neoplasmas pulmonares, Linfoma no-Hodgkin, Neoplasmas cutáneos, Neoplasmas ováricos, Neoplasmas pancreáticos, Neoplasmas de la próstata, Neoplasmas gástricos, Neoplasmas testiculares, Neoplasmas de la tiroides, Neoplasmas uterinos, Neoplasmas del cuello uterino, Neoplasmas gastrointestinales

Cancer Society of New Zealand

The Cancer Society is the major funder of cancer research in New Zealand. The main activities of the Society are: Research about etiology, prevention and treatment of cancer; offers information to hea...
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Resource added in: 02/10/2002
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Recurrence, Classification, Neoplasms, Health Promotion, Research, Food and Nutrition Education, Health Education, Melanoma, Volunteers, Social Support, Foundations, Neoplasmas Uretrales, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma, Prevención, Educación del paciente

British Association for Cancer Research (BACR)

The BACR is the largest British-based cancer society. It was formed in 1960 to promote the advance of research in relation to all aspects of cancer, both laboratory and clinical, and to encourage the ...
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Resource added in: 30/09/2002
Available languages: English
Drug Therapy, Radiotherapy, General Surgery, Recurrence, Classification, Neoplasms, Research, Societies, Scientific, Social Support, Awards and Prizes, Neoplasmas de la mama, Estadificación de Neoplasmas, recurrencia local del neoplasma