Evidence Map - Clinical Effectiveness of Medical Ozone Therapy


The map provides an overview of the evidence and gaps that exist on the effects of Medical Ozone Therapy for various clinical and health conditions of people. From a broad bibliographic search of published and unpublished studies between 2006 and 2022, 26 systematic reviews were included in the map. To assess the level of reliability for the evidence reported in the reviews, the AMSTAR tool (Measurement Tool to Assess Systematic Reviews) was applied, resulting in 9 high-level reviews, 3 moderate-level reviews, 11 low-level reviews, and 3 low-level critical reviews. All studies were evaluated, characterized, and categorized by a group of researchers in the field of Ozonotherapy.

Autor(es): Maria Emilia Gadelha Serra, Ana Paula Anzolin, João Jackson Duarte, Marilia Moura Luvisotto, José Baeza-Noci, Charise Dallazem Bertol Originador(es): BIREME/PAHO/WHO, Brazilian Society of Medical Ozone Therapy (SOBOM), World Federation of Ozone Therapy (WFOT)
Recurso adicionado em: 19/11/2024
Idiomas disponíveis: Inglês
Ozonioterapia, Terapias Complementares
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